
What To Paint Clay Pots With Thats Going To Be Outside

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Painted flower pots stacked on a table with text overlay reading "DIY Painted Pots"

Stacked painted flower pots before and after painting with text overlay reading "How to Paint Flower Pots"

With buds and blooms slowly peeking through the landscape, information technology's a perfect time of twelvemonth for painting terracotta pots. I'm overjoyed to partner with some of my favorite blogger friends to bring y'all a variety of gardening projects today, all inspired by one Pinterest photo.

Stacked painted terracotta pots on stand with mosaic turtle decor

This post contains affiliate links, and I volition be compensated if you brand a purchase afterward clicking on my links. Special thanks to PLAID for supplying some of the paints and supplies used in this mail. For more than information, please see my disclosures .

A Gardening Pinterest Challenge

One of my favorite blogging collaborations is the Pinterest Claiming hosted by my mannerly friend Cindy at Canton Road 407.

Spring Pinterest Challenge logo

Each month, Cindy sends u.s.a. a Pinterest photograph and double-domestic dog-dares us to recreate it at home. Since I can never turn down a good cartel, I keep coming back for more!

If you're here visiting from Katie at Allow'due south Add Sprinkles, cheers for clicking over. Isn't that the sweetest niggling succulent tower she made?

You tin can find all of my friends' projects at the cease of this post, so be sure to visit them for more wonderful gardening ideas!

The Inspiration Photo

If you're a Pinterest addict, you know the whole betoken of the platform is to bring dreams into reality. Well, if yous're dreaming of a leaning tower of pots, these adorable topsy-turvy buckets from Cottage at the Crossroads will hit the mark! It'south similar a gardening magic pull a fast one on!

Tower of galvanized buckets with flowers from Cottage at the Crossroads blog
Pinterest inspiration photo

I love the simplicity of the galvanized buckets and vibrant flowers they chose for this project, but at that place was nothing simple about me gathering buckets or flowers with this stay-calm order happening.

Instead, I bribed last year's plants to eke out some blooms for me, and I convinced several terracotta pots to get their best selves. You tin can run across all the details in this YouTube video I created.

Painted stacked terracotta pots on outdoor table

Like the topsy-turvy belfry, my stack of terracotta pots has a piddling tilt here and in that location, which gives it a fun and relaxed experience. It'due south the perfect addition to my outdoor abode decor.

Painted terracotta pots and decoupage pots stacked with flowers on outdoor patio fireplace

In identify of galvanized metal, I used a blue-and-white patterned napkin on my pots to create the illusion of chinoiserie, which coordinated nicely with the outdoor pillows I made last yr.

I likewise felt inspired to add a little sculpted friend to my stacked pots, in a nod to the original inspiration pin. Boy did it feel expert to get craftsy again! I promise you'll go motivated to do the same!

Dragonfly made of polymer clay sitting in painted pot tower

This polymer clay dragonfly took a scrap of time to sculpt and paint. It's far from perfect, but it was then much fun to brand! My kids got a kick out of watching me and are now pestering me to make my salt dough recipe again.

In the process of painting terracotta pots, I gathered several tips to share with you lot.

Painting a Terracotta Flower Pot: Tips for Best Results

Plain terracotta pots of various sizes before painting

By painting terracotta pots, you can create a fresh, customized look on a porch or patio. Over the past few years, I've had fun painting everything from beer bottles to DIY headboards. I think this is one of my most satisfying paint projects yet.

You'll notice I combined a mix of painted pots and decoupage pots in my final stacked pot tower. See my post on how to decoupage flower pots to get the full scoop on the blue-and-white pots.

Tip #one: Use a sealer on the inside of the pots

Using a clay pot sealer on the inside of your pots can aid prevent loss of moisture and preserve your painted blueprint. It's a great production to have on hand regardless of whether you're painting your pots or non!

Tip #ii: Use chalk paint for base coating

Chalk paint used for painting a small clay pot

Subsequently using both acrylic paints and chalk paint for this tutorial, chalk paint wins. It but took two coats of chalk pigment (ultra matte acrylic paint) to fully embrace a pot versus 3-4 coats of traditional acrylic pigment.

You likewise have the selection of using spray paint to eliminate brush strokes, but I prefer the subtle texture of acrylics.

Tip #3: Paint with foam brushes for fifty-fifty coats

Painting a terracotta pot yellow

I found that foam brushes help to achieve a polish, even coat of pigment on terra cotta. You lot have the option of priming the pot to get a smoother finish, but I knew I planned to seal it with a topcoat at the terminate anyway.

Tip #4: Use painter'south tape, fine brushes or stencils to create unique designs

By using painter's tape, yous can create pots with alternating colored rims…

Terracotta pot with blue and white paint

…or create fun colour-blocked designs by taping off sections of the pot.

Painted yellow and blue terracotta pot

You can likewise use the wrong end of a small paintbrush to create polka-dots, equally I did with my smallest clay pot.

Polka dot painted mini terracotta pot

Another fun idea is using a stencil to paint labels for an herb garden direct onto the pots.

Tip #v: Always seal the painted terracotta pots

I used Mod Podge Outdoor to seal my busy flower pots. It'south of import to know that this formula is non waterproof just is h2o-resistant. You'll still want to keep your finished terracotta pot in a covered area like a porch or patio.

I've used this same production for my outdoor garden stakes, and it works like a amuse. Just brand sure you lot allow it to fully cure earlier filling your pots with plants.

For more fun garden-related projects, check out my DIY mosaic flower pots or these flower pot painting crafts.

Painted terracotta pots and decoupage pots in blue, white and yellow on outdoor patio

Guide to Painting Terracotta Pots

Learn how to paint terracotta pots to display outdoors on a covered porch or patio. These beautifully painted dirt pots tin coordinate with any decor and make the perfect DIY gift.

Prep Time 20 mins

Active Fourth dimension one hr

Additional Time 2 hrs

Total Fourth dimension three hrs 20 mins

Project Type Arts & Crafts

  • Before painting, make sure you remove any clay or tags from the pot and allow it dry completely. Immerse the pot in warm water to loosen any crud.

  • If necessary, sand the pot with fine-grit sandpaper to shine any rough ridges.

  • Prime number the inside and outside of the pot with i-two coats of the clay pot sealer and let information technology dry.

  • Paint the pot with 2-3 coats of acrylic paint or spray pigment until you reach the desired level of coverage. Wait for the paint to dry betwixt coats, per the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Add whatsoever desired designs or stencils to the pot.

  • Once dry out, seal the pot with Outdoor Mod Podge. Make sure the pot is fully cured earlier exposing to the outdoors and filling with plants.

Outdoor Mod Podge is h2o-resistant, not waterproof. Painted pots should merely be used in covered areas not directly exposed to rain/dominicus.

Let u.s. know how it was!

Pin it for later!

Painted terracotta pots stacked in tower shape with flowers

Continue Your Tour

You won't desire to miss the Pinterest-inspired garden projects and decor my friends are sharing, too!

Your next cease on the tour is Lora B with a beautiful ladder garden display. She always has the best upcycled projects, and so you lot're in for a treat!

First Day of Home signature

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